Working With Immigration Law Attorneys To Find Unlawfully Detained Relatives

Sometimes the way a person looks or the way a person sounds causes them to be falsely arrested, falsely detained, and/or placed where they should not and do not need to be. This has happened with many Latinos and Hispanics recently. Many who are traveling to see their families in other countries end up detained at the U.S./Mexican border, or worse, detained in a U.S. airport. If your family members have been unlawfully detained, you need immigration law attorneys to help you extricate your relatives from detainment camps. Here is how this works.

Hire an Immigration Lawyer Close to the Camp or Place Where You Believe Your Relatives Are Detained

Immigration lawyers have some special privileges in that they can extend the practice of their branch of law a little bit farther than a typical general attorney. However, it still helps to hire a lawyer in the same state where you believe your relatives are being detained. Knowing the immigration laws in Texas is a big difference from knowing immigration laws in the surrounding states. 

Gather up Official Copies of All Documents

In lieu of showing American passports (which should have been with your relatives and on their persons), you can show the lawyer birth certificates. Every relative that was born in the states should have a birth certificate. Collect as many official stamped and sealed copies of birth certificates for your relatives as you can find and get. If you somehow have access to their Social Security cards as well, grab those and bring them along. The lawyer will need to see all of the documents in order to prove to the court judge that border guards and/or airport guards have detained legal U.S. citizens!

Bring Photos to ID Everyone

Also, bring photos of everyone in your family. Every photo is important, as it will help identify your relatives if they are in detainment camps. Your lawyer will make copies and circulate the copies until your relatives have been found. 

Freeing Your Relatives and Suing 

Then your lawyer will need to write a writ of release for each family member that has been unlawfully detained.  There is typically a court hearing, and then the judge signs an order to have your family released back into the U.S. Once they are home again, your lawyer may recommend that everyone sue the government for such actions. That is entirely up to you and your family.

For more information, contact a law office like The Ortiz Law Firm.
